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Program Opportunity


Clinical Neurology Fellowship

IRCCS Ospedale Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza
(5/5) - 1 reviews

Host: IRCCS Ospedale Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, Italy; Ideal comprehensive neurology short-term visiting fellowship

Main Areas of Interest

  • General Neurology
  • Neurosonology
  • Clinical Neurophysiology

Clinical and diagnostic skills you will learn during your program here:

General Neurology (tutor: Dr. Maurizio Leone + staff)

  • Performing a complete neurological examination.
  • Diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases, including motor neuron disease, extrapyramidal diseases, and dementias.
  • Diagnosis and management of multiple sclerosis, including in- and out-patient visits, and management of diseases-modifying drugs.

Neurosonology (tutor: dr. Vincenzo Inchingolo)

  • Neurosonology in acute stroke and follow-up, including ultrasound examination of carotid and vertebral arteries and transcranial color-coded duplex sonography of main cerebral arteries and veins.
  • Management of stroke patients in the acute phase including intravenous thrombolysis and endovascular therapy (observership).
  • Management of cryptogenic stroke and TIA.

Clinical Neurophysiology (tutor: dr. Michele Zarrelli)

  • Clinical and neurophysiological approach to patients presenting with neuromuscular signs and symptoms.
  • Electrodiagnostic studies in neuromuscular disorders including nerve conduction studies, repetitive nerve stimulation, late responses, needle electromyography, motor evoked potentials and somatosensory evoked potentials.
  • In addition, principles of intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring and principles of electroencephalography will be reviewed.


1-week curriculum

  • Clinical Neurology: the objective is to offer a view of the current practice of an Italian neurological ward. The fellow will follow the daily morning briefing with discussion of cases and the morning visit. He/she will also follow the neurologist-on-duty during consultations in other wards, including the Emergency Room.
  • Neurosonology: the fellow will be personally trained by a neurologist expert in neurosonology to gradually acquire the ability to perform diagnostic tests independently or with supervision.  Frontal lectures and educational material will also be provided.
  • Clinical Neurophysiology: the fellow will be introduced by a neurophysiologist to the different neurophysiological methods with the opportunity to discuss clinical cases, and to understand the logical process behind the diagnostic work-up in diseases of the motor neuron, nerve, neuromuscular junction, and muscle.

2-week curriculum

  • Clinical Neurology: the objective is to offer a full view of the current practice of an Italian neurological department.  As in 1-week program + the opportunity to attend the day hospital and the out-patient clinics, and to discuss cases with the Neuroradiologists. 
  • Neurosonology: as in 1-week program + opportunity to attend the stroke unit, to visit patients, and discuss clinical cases with the staff.  Discussion of imaging with the staff of the Neuroradiology lab. Visit to the intervention neuroradiology clinic and discussion of intravascular procedures and clinical cases.
  • Neurophysiology: as in 1-week program + the opportunity to personally execute neurophysiological examination under the guide of an expert.

4-12-week curriculum

  1.  Clinical Neurology: The aim of this program is to give fellow a comprehensive exposure to clinical neurology including inpatient and outpatient diagnosis and management. The fellowship is designed to flexibly accommodate the varying educational needs of the trainee. The Neurology Unit consists of different teams, the general inpatient neurology and the stroke services, the Multiple Sclerosis Center, the neurophysiology service, and the outpatient service. We also provide consultations to all the other medical, emergency, intensive care and surgical services at the Hospital. This will providing an opportunity for the fellow to participate in a large spectrum of diagnostic and decision-making situations. The fellow will rotate according to his/her interests in all the above services. Our Neurology Unit serves a local catchment area of about 300,000 persons, but mainly serves as a major tertiary referral center for the Region Puglia (… % of total admissions) and the neighboring Regions of Southern Italy (17% of total admissions). Focus is on neurodegenerative diseases, multiple sclerosis and stroke, but we also admit patients with a wide spectrum of other neurological diseases.
  2. Neurosonology: The fellow will be trained by a neurologist expert in neurosonology with both frontal lectures (educational material will be provided) and ultrasound training about the following topics:
  • operating principles of ultrasound scanners;
  • physical principles of the doppler method;
  • ultrasound of carotid and vertebral system from the neck to intracranial level;
  • ultrasound of main cerebral veins and sinuses from intracranial to the neck level;
  • for the neck level: BMode- Color-Mode evaluation of carotid system in different scanning plans, spectral analysis of Doppler wave, stenosis criteria, advantage and pitfall of ultrasound in this field;
  • for the intracranial level: BMode evaluation of main brain parenchyma structures, Color/Power-Mode evaluation of arteries of circle of Willis and their main branches in different scanning plans, spectral analysis of Doppler wave. Color/Power-Mode evaluation of main cerebral veins and sinuses and spectral analysis of Doppler wave, stenosis criteria, advantage and pitfall of ultrasound in this field;
  • Use of contrast agents in neurosonology;
  • Right to left shunt diagnosis with Transcranial ColorCoded Duplex ultrasound;
  • Examinations report.
  1.  Clinical and neurophysiology: The fellow will be trained by a neurologist expert in neurophysiology with both frontal lectures (educational material will be provided) and basic electrodiagnostic training about the following topics:
  • fundamentals of nerve conduction studies (motor and sensory conduction studies, late responses, repetitive nerve stimulation);
  • identification of anomalous innervations of peripheral nerve;
  • technical factors influencing nerve conduction studies and electromyography;
  • basic statistics for electrodiagnostic studies;
  • fundamentals of electromyography;
  • introduction to single fiber electromyography;
  • clinical role of motor evoked potentials and somatosensory evoked potentials
  • Introduction to intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring and mapping;
  • basic principles of electroencephalography interpretation;
  • case studies of patients with different clinical problems.


  • Fellows will be supported to settle down into their new environment (find appropriate accommodation, locate amenities, etc.). Onboarding (safety, compliance practices, personal welfare, etc.) will be handled by myself and the designated staff.  I will arrange an initial meeting with the fellow and the tutors to discuss the objectives of the training.
  • The fellows will be given opportunity to partake in group meetings within the Institute, including attending workshops, conferences, etc. They will also be encouraged to present their work orally at a group meeting at least once before they complete their visit.
  • All throughout the training any peculiar challenges or specific requests of a fellow will be fully considered to ensure a responsive, relevant and adequate training plan is developed for them. At the end of training the fellow will receives a certificate attesting training attendance.

Hotel: Centro Accoglienza S. Maria delle Grazie (cheap hotel, good quality):

Centro di spiritualità Padre Pio Website (possible online reservation):

Bike Hotel Abete:

This program has the following durations available:

Duration Fee
Neurologists, Radiologists, and Internal Medicine physicians from around the world can apply. Non-physicians with interest in clinical neurosciences can also apply

Host Name: Maurizio Leone

Affiliation: IRCCS Ospedale Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza

Address: IRCCS Ospedale Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, Foggia,

Website URL:

Disclaimer:It is mandatory that all applicants carry workplace liability insurance, e.g., (Erasmus students use this package and typically costs around 5 € per month - please check) in addition to health insurance when you join any of the onsite Trialect partnered fellowships.

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Onsite/On-Campus Program


Application Review Deadline:

May 1st, 2025

Featured Reviews

ibrahim ACIR 3 years ago

It was the best experience I have had in my professional career. I met my colleagues who are very good in their field. I've had a worldwide connection for the future by that way . Everyone at the hospital where I worked was friendly and helpful. The clinic chief quickly solved even my smallest problems. For this excellent experience, Thanks to Prof. Leone, Dr. Inchingolo and all my colleagues.

Questions and Answers

Commonly asked questions about this program from the host and other attendees.

What are the patient demographics?

- Acute stroke patients admitted in 1 month: 20; - Patients followed a t the MS Center: 400; - Out-patients visited in 1 month: 280; - Electromyography examination in 1 month: 270; - Evoked potentials in 1 month: 130; - Intra-operatory monitoring in 1 month: 3; - Ultrasound of carotid and vertebral system examinations in 1 month: 60; - Ultrasound at intracranial level in 1 month: 40; Total number of beds: 34
It depends on the procedure: in the neurological service there is no problem for visiting and neurological examination, excluded spinal tap. In sonography, no problem the fellow can get hands-on training in the whole procedure; different for neurophysiology: no problem for evoked potentials and nerve conduction study, however, they cannot insert needles for electromyography, but of course they can use the machine, once the mentor has inserted needles. Of course a workplace liability insurance is mandatory, as well as a general risk insurance covering any possible damage to the fellow (eg. falling down the stairs while being in the hospital) and any possible damage towards other persons (eg. dropping another person as you fall down the stairs in the hospital”).
Please follow this link for more details Thanks!

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