Payments and Refund Policies

Last Updated 2024-05-22

  1. Introduction and Payment Structure 

This outlines the Payment and Refund Policies for the Merit Pathway, Priority Pathway, and Priority Pathway with Flexi-Protection at Trialect.  In line with our dedication to fostering educational opportunities and promoting fairness and transparency, Trialect is committed to providing a platform where candidates can access valuable learning experiences. We strive to ensure clarity and integrity in our financial policies, empowering candidates to make informed decisions regarding their educational pursuits.

Understanding the Fellowship Payment Structure: Candidate's Acknowledgment

 The candidate acknowledges that by purchasing a fellowship duration through Trialect under the priority pathway, they are entering into a contractual agreement with Trialect for the specified duration of the fellowship. This agreement entails Trialect facilitating the fellowship programs through separate contractual arrangements with host mentors. In the event that the host mentor does not utilize the funds allocated by Trialect for the candidate's fellowship duration, the funds remain the property of Trialect. The candidate understands and agrees that they have no claim to a refund in such circumstances, as an independent agreement between the host mentor and Trialect governs the payment to the host mentor. Furthermore, the candidate acknowledges that if they only participate for a portion of the fellowship duration, they are not entitled to a refund for the remaining weeks not availed. Trialect reserves the right to restrict its payment to the host mentor in accordance with their contractual agreement. 

 For example, if you purchase a 4-week fellowship duration through Trialect, you are entering into a contractual agreement with Trialect for those 4 weeks. Trialect, in turn, has agreements with host mentors to facilitate the fellowship programs. Now, let's say the host mentor for your fellowship program decides not to proceed with the arrangement, perhaps due to unforeseen circumstances. In this case, the funds you paid for the fellowship duration remain with Trialect, per our agreement. You would not be entitled to a refund in this situation because a separate agreement between Trialect and the host mentor governs the payment to the host mentor.

  1. Merit Pathway Payment and Refund Policies

Introduction The Merit Pathway at Trialect provides candidates with an opportunity to engage in educational programs through two distinct application processes: Host Mentor-Initiated Applications and Direct Applications for Merit Review. This pathway supports candidates demonstrating exceptional merit by potentially waiving tuition fees (subject to the host mentor’s discretion) and facilitating direct engagement with host mentors. Below, we detail the payment and refund policies associated with this pathway.

Merit Application Overview

  1. Host Mentor-Initiated Applications:
    1. This route is ideal for candidates who have been pre-approved by a host mentor.
    2. Candidates have the opportunity to discuss travel, accommodation, and visa expenses directly with the host mentor.
    3. It is particularly suitable for candidates leveraging scholarships from entities like Erasmus, Fulbright Program, Gilman International Scholarship Programs, or other non-profit for-profit or government-funded programs.
  2. Direct Applications for Merit Review:
    1. This pathway is aimed at candidates seeking approval from Trialect or the host mentor for the first time through the Trialect platform. These candidates typically do not have a pre-approved host mentor and use this pathway to demonstrate their qualifications and suitability for the program.
    2. Upon approval by the host mentor, tuition fees may be waived at the host or Trialect's discretion 
    3. If Trialect approves the application, a waiver for 1-2 weeks of the tuition fee may be granted at the host or Trialect's discretion
    4. Candidates are responsible for travel, accommodation, and visa expenses regardless of the application pathway.
  3. Merit Application Fee
    1. A non-refundable application fee is required for both Host Mentor-Initiated and Direct Applications for Merit Review. This fee supports the platform maintenance, administrative and review processes necessary for a merit-based evaluation.
    2. It is important to note that paying the application fee does not guarantee a spot in any program.


  1. Selection Process
    1. Applications submitted under the Merit Pathway undergo a rigorous internal review to assess the candidate’s merit.
    2. Depending on the availability of funds and the merit of the applicant, Trialect and host mentors may offer partial support for tuition fees or travel expenses.
    3. Candidates will be informed about the specifics of any support or waivers granted at the time of acceptance.
    4. Candidates have the option to bypass the standard merit review stage for expedited scheduling and engagement with host mentors through the Priority Payment Option. Please note that while this option accelerates the application process, the original merit application fee remains non-refundable. This option is subject to separate fees and conditions, which are outlined in the Priority Pathway section of our Payment and Refund Policies.
  2. Refund Policies
    1. As previously stated, the merit application fee is non-refundable under all circumstances.
    2. The merit application fee is not refundable in cases where the candidate is accepted and a tuition fee waiver is granted.
    3. No refund of the merit application fee is applicable when the host cancels the program before or after payment, regardless of the candidate's approval under the merit pathway. Additionally, the merit application fee is non-refundable under all circumstances, even if there is a discrepancy between the program content posted by the host and subsequent correspondence

General Terms

  • Candidates are expected to comply with all program and host institution requirements. Failure to do so may result in the withdrawal of tuition waivers or other support.
  • Trialect reserves the right to amend the Payment and Refund Policies anytime. Candidates are encouraged to review these policies regularly to remain informed of any changes.

This comprehensive overview of the Merit Pathway Payment and Refund Policies is designed to ensure candidates are fully aware of their financial responsibilities and the opportunities for support through Trialect. At Trialect, we remain steadfast in our commitment to fairness, transparency, and the promotion of educational opportunities. We strive to uphold these principles in all aspects of our operations, including the application process and financial policies. Our dedication to these values ensures that every candidate has an equal chance to pursue their academic and professional aspirations

  1. Priority Pathway Payment and Refund Policies

This Pathway is designed to offer participants a streamlined and expedited application process, with the following terms and conditions:

Selection of Program Duration: Participants must select the program duration that best aligns with their individual schedules and educational goals. The participant must ensure that the chosen duration is suitable for their circumstances and aspirations before finalizing their application. Once selected, the program duration cannot be altered. Participants must specify their preferred year of enrollment and the month they wish to commence the program. This selection is crucial for aligning with the availability of the host institution and planning the educational curriculum.

Scheduling and Host Availability: While efforts will be made to accommodate the participant's scheduling preferences and match them with the host’s availability, the institution cannot guarantee specific scheduling outcomes. Participants are advised to maintain flexibility and understand that host availability may influence final scheduling arrangements.

Non-Refundable Commitment: By opting for the Priority Pathway, you acknowledge and accept a non-refundable commitment. This commitment remains in effect once the application is submitted, regardless of any scheduling conflicts with the host mentor or discrepancies in the posted content. It is incumbent upon you to accommodate any scheduling issues with the host mentor. We urge participants to carefully review their selections and the terms of the Pathway before proceeding.

 Finality of Application: Upon submission of the application, the selected program duration and scheduling preferences are considered final and cannot be altered. Participants must carefully consider their availability and commitments before finalizing their application to avoid any inconvenience or misunderstanding.

Host's Discretion: The host has the discretion to accept participants into the program. If the host refuses participation before the program commences, the participant is eligible for a full refund. However, participants are encouraged to engage positively and meet all predefined criteria to facilitate acceptance.

Program Expectations: Trialect does not guarantee that the program will meet all individual participant expectations. Participants are responsible for conducting thorough research and asking clarifying questions prior to application to ensure the program aligns with their personal and professional objectives. Trialect assumes no liability for mismatches between the program and participant expectations.

Safety, Security, and Workplace Code of Conduct: Participants are responsible for their own safety and security while participating in the program. Trialect assumes no liability for incidents occurring in the host environment, either online or onsite. Participants are required to adhere strictly to the workplace code of conduct and respect their host’s schedule and institutional policies. Ensuring a respectful and professional relationship with the host is paramount.

Visiting Fellowships and Hands-on Training: Visiting Fellowships and Hands-on Training: The terminology and structure of visiting fellowships, observerships, electives, or traineeships may vary across institutions. These programs are designed to facilitate professional development and are not typically board-certified. The availability of hands-on training varies significantly depending on the policies of the hosting institution, local regulations, and the specific nature of the program. Participants should be aware that any practical involvement will adhere strictly to the regulations of the host country and the rules of the hosting institution. The extent of practical engagement typically depends on the relationship established between the fellow and the host mentor, as well as compliance with local medical and legal standards. Until formal arrangements are made, all visiting fellowships should be considered as observerships. Additionally, it's important to note that any discrepancy between the program content initially posted by the host mentor and subsequent correspondence after connecting with the host mentor and the applicant does not constitute grounds for a refund under the Priority Pathway. Therefore, the commitment made under the Priority Pathway is strictly non-refundable under any circumstances.

By enrolling in a Trialect Partnered Program under the Priority Pathway, participants acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined above, in addition to those detailed in our updated Payment and Refund Policies, Terms of Service, and Frequently Asked Questions sections. We appreciate your interest and commitment to professional growth through our programs.

General Provisions:

These additional terms complement and integrate with the previously stated conditions of the Priority Pathway.

Trialect reserves the right to modify, amend, or update these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Participants are responsible for reviewing these terms regularly to ensure continued compliance and understanding.

Failure to adhere to these terms and conditions may result in termination of participation in the program without a refund, except as specified under the "Host's Discretion" provision.

Participants’ acknowledgment and acceptance of these comprehensive terms and conditions are critical for successful enrollment and participation in the Priority Pathway program.

Participants in the Priority Pathway agree to abide by all terms and conditions herein and acknowledge that these terms are binding upon submission of the application.

The institution reserves the right to modify, update, or amend these terms at any time without prior notice. Participants are responsible for staying informed about any changes to the terms and conditions.

Participation in the Priority Pathway does not exempt participants from adhering to the standard policies and requirements of the host institution, including but not limited to, academic standards, code of conduct, and legal compliance.

By enrolling in the Priority Pathway, participants affirm their understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions. It is the participant's responsibility to ensure that they are fully informed about the Pathway's provisions and their implications.

  1. Priority Pathway with Flexi-Protection Plan and Refund Policies

Flexi Protection Plan: Terms and Conditions

By opting into the Flexi Protection Plan, participants acknowledge and accept these terms regarding the allocation and use of the Flexi Protection fee in instances where the host institution rejects their application. This policy ensures that participants have continued access to educational opportunities, preserving the value of their initial investment while facilitating ongoing professional growth.

  • The Plan does not supersede any legal or institutional policies governing refunds, rescheduling, or participant support but is intended to complement such policies by providing additional protections and flexibilities.
  • Participants must ensure compliance with all program and institutional requirements to maintain eligibility for the benefits provided under the Plan.

By enrolling in the Flexi Protection Plan, participants agree to the terms and conditions herein. These terms are subject to change at the discretion of the institution, with or without prior notice. Participants are encouraged to review these terms periodically to ensure understanding and compliance.

This document is not exhaustive and may be supplemented by additional policies or agreements as deemed necessary by the institution. Participants are advised to consult with the institution for any clarifications or further details regarding the Plan.

Non-Refundable and Non-Transferable Flexi Protection Fee: The Flexi Protection Plan is available to participants for a fee of $299. This fee facilitates the benefits accorded under the Plan, including but not limited to preferred scheduling, rescheduling flexibility, and coverage for unforeseen events. Please be advised that the $299 fee for the Flexi Protection Plan itself is non-refundable and non-transferable under all circumstances, regardless of a participant’s use of Plan benefits or subsequent cancellation of enrollment within the Plan's stipulations. The Flexi Protection fee payment is an acknowledgment of and agreement to these terms. Participants are encouraged to thoroughly review and consider the Plan’s benefits in relation to their individual needs before opting in.

 The Flexi Protection Plan ("Plan") is designed to offer participants enhanced flexibility, support, and security in their educational endeavors with the following benefits:

  1. 30-Day Refund Policy: Participants who elect to cancel their enrollment within thirty (30) days from the date of their payment will be eligible for a full refund of the tuition fees, provided that no invitation letter from the host institution has been received or requested by the participant. This condition underscores our commitment to providing a risk-free enrollment experience.
  2. Preferred Scheduling: Participants enrolled under the Plan shall receive priority in scheduling their program commencement and other related activities. This benefit is intended to accommodate the specific needs and preferences of our participants, ensuring an optimal educational journey. We will try our best your preferred schedules with the host mentor, but cannot be guaranteed.
  3. Rescheduling Flexibility: The plan acknowledges the dynamic circumstances of our participants and allows for a one-time rescheduling of enrollment. This flexibility is in response to historical data indicating that 50% of professionals have required adjustments to their plans due to personal reasons. Participants wishing to avail themselves of this benefit must communicate their request formally, subject to availability and program constraints.
  4. Global Hazards Protection: The Plan provides for the refundability of tuition fees in the event of unforeseen circumstances precluding participation in the program, such as travel/health/war hazards at the host institution. This flexibility is in response to the historical data indicating that 10% of professionals faced these issues. Participants must inform the institution within thirty (30) days of encountering such circumstances to qualify for this benefit. This provision is aimed at mitigating the financial risk associated with such unpredictable events.
  5. Visa Rejection: Flexi Protection provides financial safeguards and support in cases of visa application issues or rejections, ensuring continued professional development despite such setbacks.
  6. Institutional Rejection Safeguard: You're protected if a Host Institution rejects your application due to security or other critical issues.
  7. Dedicated Support: Enrollees under the Plan will benefit from expedited support services, ensuring that inquiries, concerns, and requests are addressed promptly and effectively. This dedicated support mechanism is established to enhance the overall participant experience, offering guidance and assistance throughout the program lifecycle.

Limitations and Conditions:

The benefits outlined in the Plan are subject to specific terms and conditions and may require the submission of additional documentation or adherence to procedural stipulations.

Host Institution Rejection under the Flexi Protection Plan:

Should the host institution reject a participant's application, the Flexi Protection fee of $299 already paid will not be forfeited. Instead, this amount will be credited to the participant’s Trialect account. This credit can then be applied towards enrollment in another Trialect program of the participant's choice, subject to available programs and their respective terms and conditions. Key conditions related to this credit include:

  1. Timeframe for Use: The credited amount must be utilized within twenty-four (24) months from the original date of payment. This allows participants ample time to select an alternative program that aligns with their professional development goals.
  2. Application of Credit: The $299 credit is designated for program enrollment fees within the Trialect network and cannot be applied to other charges or services. Participants are encouraged to explore the diverse range of programs available to make the most of their credit.
  3. Non-Refundability: While the $299 credit can be applied to other programs, it remains non-refundable. If not utilized within the specified 24-month period, the credit will expire and is not redeemable for cash or other forms of reimbursement.

Flexi Protection Plan:  Other Non-Refundability Clauses for Tuition Fee

The Flexi Protection Plan is established to provide applicants with security and flexibility in the face of unforeseen circumstances. However, to ensure fairness and clarity for all participants, the tuition fee will be non-refundable under the following conditions, even when enrolled under the Flexi Protection Plan:

  • Post-Rescheduling Cancellation: If an applicant exercises their one-time rescheduling privilege and then cancels their enrollment, the tuition fee remains non-refundable.
  • Failure to Notify Within Specified Timeframe: Applicants must notify the administration within 30 days of encountering visa rejections or travel/health/war hazards in the host country. Late notifications will result in the tuition fee being non-refundable.
  • Withdrawal for Personal or Uncovered Reasons: If an applicant withdraws from the program for personal reasons or scenarios not covered by the Flexi Protection Plan after 30 days of payment, the tuition fee will not be refunded.
  • Limitations on Eligibility for 30-Day Refund Under the Flexi Protection Plan
    • Notwithstanding the provisions for a refund within a thirty (30) day period as stipulated in the Flexi Protection Plan, participants shall not be eligible for such a refund under the following conditions:
    • Receipt of Invitation Letter: Participants who have received an invitation letter from the host institution prior to the submission of their refund request will not be eligible for a refund, as receipt of such a letter constitutes a commencement of the engagement process with the host institution.
    • Commencement of the Program: Any participant who has begun the fellowship program within the thirty (30) day period from the date of payment, regardless of the format or phase of the program initiated, shall not qualify for a refund.
    • Failure to Submit Written Request: Eligibility for a refund is contingent upon the submission of a formal written request for cancellation and refund within the thirty (30) day period following the payment date. Absence of such a request within the specified timeframe nullifies the participant's eligibility for a refund.
    • Misalignment of Expectations: Participants who have not adequately clarified their expectations of the program within the thirty (30) day refund period, or whose reasons for refund are based on a misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the program’s nature, scope, or delivery, including but not limited to the expectations of hands-on experience, level of involvement, or nature of visiting fellowships, observerships, traineeships, or electives, shall not be eligible for a refund.
    • Ineligibility Due to Documentation: Participants whose applications or refund requests are found to contain incomplete, inaccurate, or fraudulent information will not qualify for a refund under any circumstances.
    • Non-compliance with Program or Host Requirements: Failure to adhere to the rules, regulations, or requirements set forth by the program or the host institution, resulting in dismissal or inability to participate, will make the tuition fee non-refundable.
    • After Program Commencement: Once the program has started, the tuition fee becomes non-refundable under all circumstances.
  • Program not meeting your expectations: You are responsible for setting expectations within 30 days of payment. Eligibility for a refund under Flexi-Protection requires setting your expectations within 30 days of payment. Refunds are possible if the program doesn’t meet these expectations, provided you haven’t started the fellowship and haven't received an invitation letter from the host. This includes misunderstandings about the nature of the program—such as expecting a fully hands-on experience without recognizing the variability in practical involvement, which often depends on the relationship with the host mentor and local standards. Ensure you clarify expectations regarding visiting fellowships, observerships, traineeships, or electives to avoid surprises about the program's hands-on components.
  • Failure to Produce Visa Rejection Documentation: Applicants must submit official documentation of visa rejection within 30 days of receipt. Failure to do so renders the tuition fee non-refundable.
  • Post Letter of Invitation Issuance: After the host mentor issues a letter of invitation, the tuition fee becomes non-refundable, which indicates a commitment to the applicant’s participation, except in case of visa rejections or travel/health/war hazards in the host country.
  • Delayed Response by Host Mentor: Applicants are responsible for reporting any host mentor response delays exceeding 30 days immediately to the program administration. Failure to report these delays promptly will not result in a tuition refund. 
    • 28-Day Response Window: Should your host mentor fail to respond within 28 days after the initial connection attempt, you may be eligible for a refund under the Flexi Protection Plan.
    • Reporting Procedure: If you do not receive a response from your host mentor within this 28-day period, you must report this issue to our administration immediately but no later than two days after this 28-day period. This provides a total of 30 days from the initial connection attempt to alert us to the issue.
    • Refund Request: You should formally request a refund upon reporting the non-response. This request must be made promptly after reporting the issue, ensuring that it aligns with your initial payment period and the mentor communication timeline.

Applicants acknowledge and agree to these non-refundability clauses by opting into the Flexi Protection Plan.  

  1. Refund Process

Refund Process

If Trialect determines that a refund is warranted according to the terms and conditions outlined in our policies, the refund will be processed through one of the following methods:

  1. Credit Card: Refunds for payments made via credit card will be issued directly to the same credit card used for the original transaction. Please allow for the standard processing time of your financial institution for the refund to reflect in your account.
  2. Wire Transfer: For payments made via wire transfer, refunds will be transferred back to the original bank account from which the payment originated. The account holder's name must match the name provided in the payment details. Processing times may vary depending on banking institutions and international regulations.
  3. PayPal: Refunds for payments made through PayPal will be credited back to the same PayPal account used for the original transaction. Once processed by Trialect, the refund will appear in your PayPal account within the standard processing time determined by PayPal.

Refund Amounts

When a refund is processed, Trialect will refund the net amount that was initially received in our account after deducting any service fees charged by payment gateways or credit card processors. For example, if an applicant pays $1663 and Trialect receives $1593 after deductions for service charges, the refund amount will be $1593.

Service Fees: Trialect is not responsible for refunding any gateway fees, credit card service fees, or other charges incurred by third parties such as Stripe. These fees are generally non-refundable and are taken by the service provider, not Trialect.

Refund Account

  1. Upon approval of a refund request, Trialect will initiate the refund process using the original payment method whenever possible.
  2. If the original payment method is unavailable or if a refund cannot be processed through the original payment method, Trialect will work with the applicant to determine an alternative refund method.
  3. Refunds will be issued in the same currency as the original payment. Any currency conversion fees or differences in exchange rates will be the responsibility of the applicant.
  4. Once the refund has been initiated by Trialect, the applicant will receive a notification confirming the refund request and providing an estimated timeline for the refund to be processed.
  5. The actual timing of the refund receipt may vary depending on the payment method, banking processes, and other factors beyond Trialect's control.
  6. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the refund process, please contact our support team at for assistance."

"If the credit card used for the original transaction has expired or is no longer valid, Trialect will work with the applicant to facilitate the refund through an alternative payment method. This may involve providing Trialect with updated credit card information or choosing an alternative refund method such as wire transfer or PayPal.

For wire transfer refunds, payments from financial institutions are generally acceptable. However, if the wire transfer is initiated from a personal account, Trialect may require additional verification to ensure the legitimacy of the transaction. This verification process may include providing a notarized letter from the bank or a bank-issued confirmation letter to confirm the account details and ownership. Applicants will be notified of any additional requirements for wire transfer refunds and guided through the verification process to facilitate the refund efficiently.

Please note that the specific requirements for wire transfer refunds may vary depending on the jurisdiction, banking regulations, and Trialect's internal policies. Applicants are encouraged to contact Trialect's support team for personalized assistance and guidance regarding wire transfer refunds from personal accounts.

For further clarification or inquiries regarding these policies, participants are encouraged to contact

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