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Program Opportunity


Molecular Biology of Gonadotropins and Sex Steroid Hormones

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
(5/5) - 3 reviews

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Main Areas of Interest

The main research areas of our group are:

  • Molecular basis of gonadotropins and sex steroid hormones in reproduction and endocrine tumors;
  • Cell signaling and molecular properties of G protein-coupled receptors;

Experimental techniques you will learn during your program here:

  • bioluminescence/Forster resonance energy transfer (BRET/FRET)
  • cell culture and transformation (gene silencing, gene overexpression)
  • cell viability/toxicity assays (necrosis, apoptosis, cell cycle analysis, DNA genotoxicity, autophagy, senescence)
  • immunoblotting
  • qualitative and quantitative PCR; PCR-arrays; DNA sequencing
  • immunohistochemistry

Some of the publications of the host mentor: 


FSHR/GPER heteromers block cAMP-dependent selection of ovarian follicles and target tumor growth and poor FSH-response in women

6-12 weeks curriculum

Fellows will be supported to settle down in Modena, Italy, and register at our Research Unit, during which a permission and insurance will be activated. Instruction on safety, laboratory practices, etc., will be provided by the University’s designated staff and by myself. I will arrange an initial meeting with the fellow to discuss the objectives of the training and the expected mechanisms of their fulfillment. Experimental plans with realistic timelines will then be decided and the fellow will be assisted during his/her internship by the research staff.

The fellow will be fully trained to run each experiment. They will then be allowed to attempt the experiment themselves, with the trainer present during their first runs. They will be able to engage with me (supervisor) and other members of the laboratory to discuss any aspects of the general running of the laboratory, specific protocols and data analysis that they require clarifications on. I will provide a daily support and help on the next set of experiments based on data generated. A fellow must keep adequate and accurate records of their work using the laboratory book provided and the storage.

The fellow will have the opportunity to participate in research group meetings fixed each Monday and discuss data with the Unit staff, which consists in both basic and clinical researchers, fellows and students. They will also be encouraged to present their work orally at a research group meeting at least once before they complete their visit.

Towards the end of the training I will have a meeting with the fellow to discuss plans to publish their work (if enough data collected) or disseminate their findings in a future conference. All throughout the training any particular challenges or specific requests of a fellow will be fully considered to ensure a responsive, relevant and adequate training plan is developed for them.

A Sample Curriculum 

(can be customized and may not be what you would be exposed to)

Week 1-2: Introduction and Hormone Biosynthesis

Areas of Interest:

  • Overview of gonadotropins (LH, FSH) and sex steroid hormones (estrogens, androgens, progestogens).
  • Biosynthesis pathways of these hormones.


  • DNA/RNA extraction and purification.
  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for hormone measurement.

Week 3-4: Receptor Biology and Signal Transduction

Areas of Interest:

  • Structure and function of hormone receptors.
  • Signal transduction pathways activated by gonadotropins and sex steroid hormones.


  • Western blotting for protein detection.
  • Ligand binding studies to assess receptor affinity.

Week 5-6: Gene Regulation by Hormones

Areas of Interest:

  • Hormonal regulation of gene expression.
  • Epigenetic modifications induced by hormone signaling.


  • Quantitative PCR (qPCR) for gene expression analysis.
  • Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays.

Week 7-8: Hormonal Influence on Cellular Functions

Areas of Interest:

  • Effects of hormones on cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis.
  • Interactions between hormones and other signaling molecules.


  • Cell culture techniques, including maintenance and differentiation of primary cells.
  • Flow cytometry for cell cycle analysis and apoptosis assays.

Week 9-10: Clinical Implications of Hormone Dysregulation

Areas of Interest:

  • Hormonal disorders such as PCOS, hypogonadism, and hormone-sensitive cancers.
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for hormone-related diseases.


  • Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for tissue-specific protein localization.
  • In vitro diagnostic assays for hormonal disorders.

Week 11-12: Development of Hormone-Based Therapies

Areas of Interest:

  • Design and testing of hormone analogs and antagonists.
  • Hormone replacement therapies and their applications.


  • High-throughput screening of small molecules.
  • CRISPR/Cas9 for gene editing to study hormone function.

Additional Research Projects and Techniques:

  • Non-Hormonal Contraception: Explore non-hormonal contraception methods, focusing on nanobody-mediated modulation of ovarian GPCRs.
  • Reproductive Endocrinology: Study genetic variations related to folliculogenesis and steroidogenesis.
  • Hormone Interaction: Investigate the crosstalk between FSH and estrogen receptors in ovarian follicle dominance or death.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the molecular biology of gonadotropins and sex steroid hormones.
  • Acquire hands-on experience with a wide range of molecular biology and biochemical techniques.
  • Develop skills in experimental design, data analysis, and scientific communication.
  • Understand the clinical implications of hormone research and potential therapeutic approaches.


About the Host Mentor

Dr. Livio Casarini has achieved several significant accomplishments in his career. Here is a summary of his notable achievements:

Research Fellowships and Grants:

2022 - LE STUDIUM ARD CVL Pharmaceutical Programme:

  • Awarded a research fellowship for a project on antibody fragments targeting ovarian GPCRs to control reproduction.
  • One-year internship at INRAe/CNRS Tours, France.

2022 - Mobility Grant:

  • Secured a grant to support a PhD student's internship for a project on non-hormonal contraception via nanobody-mediated modulation of ovarian GPCRs.
  • Role: Principal Investigator (PI).
  • Grant amount: €6000.

2021 - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenge Grants:

  • Awarded a grant for a project on non-hormonal contraception by nanobody produced from within the body.
  • Role: PI of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia unit.
  • The grant amount for his unit is $398,400; the total project grant is $1,800,000.

2021 - Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca (FAR):

  • Secured departmental equipment funding.
  • Grant amount: €7881.20.

2020 - HHV-6 Foundation, Dharam Ablashi Research Fund:

  • Awarded a pilot grant for a project on the effects of HHV-6A infection on thyroid follicular epithelial cells.
  • Role: PI of the unit at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
  • Grant amount for his unit: €8000; total project grant: €15,000.

2018 - Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca (FAR):

  • Secured equipment funding.
  • Role: Co-proposer.
  • Grant amount: €18,000.

2017 - Fondo di Finanziamento per le Attività Base di Ricerca (FFABR):

  • Awarded funding by ANVUR.
  • Grant amount: €3000.

2014 - Grant UE COST action:

  • Secured funding for a short-term scientific mission at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
  • Role: Proposer.
  • Grant amount: €2500.

Research Contracts:

2021 - 3-year agreement with INRAE Nouzilly (France):

  • In the context of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant.
  • Project on non-hormonal contraception by nanobody produced from within the body.
  • Grant amount: $398,400.

2021 - 2-year contract with Merck KGaA and Dexeus Salud Hospital:

  • Project on genetic variation in genes related to folliculogenesis and steroidogenesis.
  • Grant amount: €25,000.

2021 - 3-year contract with Merck KGaA:

  • Project on the characterization of LH- and hCG-induced steroidogenesis.
  • Grant amount: €60,000.

2019 - 3-year contract with Merck KGaA:

  • Project on the crosstalk between FSH and estrogen receptors in ovarian follicle dominance or death.
  • Grant amount: €150,000.


2014-2019 - ESE Basic Science Meeting Grant:

  • Recognized for contributions to basic science at the European Congress of Endocrinology.
  • Multiple years (2014-2019).
  • Award amount: €450 each year.

2017 - Top Cited Article Award:

  • Awarded by the European Journal of Endocrinology for a highly cited publication.

2014-2016 - Academic Research Awards:

  • Recognized by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia for contributions to academic research over several years.

2016 - Top 10% Reviewer Award:

  • Recognized by the journal Human Reproduction for high-quality peer reviews.

2012 - Faculty of 1000 Prime Recommendation:

  • Received a recommendation of relevance for a scientific article.

Academic and Professional Activities:

Member of various councils and commissions:

  • Council of International PhD School “Clinical and Experimental Medicine”.
  • Degree Commission for Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Biology, and Experimental and Applied Biology.
  • Member of the Center for Genomic Research, ENDOLAB unit.

Membership and roles in scientific societies:

  • Founder Member of SIRTEPS.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of SIERR.
  • Member of the European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) and Società Italiana di Endocrinologia (SIE).
  • Secretary of A.S.E.A.M.

Try Airbnb

Guest house/accommodation near the lab

Suggestions and assistance for accomodation may be provided by the hosting group upon request

Network of University residences:

Information available at the website:

This program has the following durations available:

Duration Fee
2 weeks $875.00
6 weeks $1,500.00
12 weeks $2,750.00

This program allows Merit Applications. If you successfully are awarded a merit application - Trialect will take care of all bench and service fees, but you will have to take care of travel and accommodation. All applications will be scrutinized under the merit category. Considering 50 million health professionals around the world, the chances of getting selected under the merit category would be very low.

physicians and scientists from around the world can apply

Host Name: Prof. Livio Casarini

Affiliation: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Address: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Via P. Giardini, 1355. 41126 Baggiovara, Modena (Italy)

Website URL:

Disclaimer:It is mandatory that all applicants carry workplace liability insurance, e.g., (Erasmus students use this package and typically costs around 5 € per month - please check) in addition to health insurance when you join any of the onsite Trialect partnered fellowships.

Onsite/On-Campus Program

Fellowship - Basic/Translational/Clinical Research Program

Application Review Deadline:

Oct 1st, 2024

Featured Reviews

Fatoumata KONE 1 year ago

I know that my comments are welcome to help improve. But, I will just say to the mentor Dr Livio to stay so kind, open and available. During this training, I learned new methods of analysis in research and biology. This will allow me to open up new areas of research in my career for the benefit of population health. I thank Dr. Livio and his team who welcomed and helped me during this period. I thank them for their patience, availability and teaching.
Kornelia Zaręba 2 years ago

Everything was great. High level of scientific knowledge and experiments. Very friendly and helpful faculty members. Everything was great.

This was an amazing experience, both personal and professional, I want to thank Trialect and Dr. Livio Casarini for this opportunity. I think Dr. Livio's lab is well funded and organized, Dr. Livio knows how to motivate his people, he is a great scientist, very kind and respectful, and therefore very well respected by others. I had a wonderful experience, Dr. Livio Casarini and his team are amazing scientists, hard workers, and very well organized; graduate students and postdocs were very kind and competent, a good learning experience. This was an amazing experience, both personal and professional, I want to thank Trialect and Dr. Livio Casarini for this opportunity.

Questions and Answers

Commonly asked questions about this program from the host and other attendees.

Which visa should i apply for?

You have to contact the Italy Embassy in your country or the host institute. In the past, Student visa was considered by some
Yes. You are eligible
We are working on the glitch and it should resolve soon. Thank you for being so patience.
Please go to the Understand your category section of the posting.
Yes, please reach us at

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