The American Lung AssociaƟon naƟonwide research program is building on over 120 years of success as we conƟnue to invest in the brightest, pioneering minds with potenƟal to drive innovaƟon, discover the unknown, and improve the lives of those living with lung disease. The Public Health and Public Policy Research Award was created to help sƟmulate and inform important public policy debates around healthy air, climate change and other public health issues related to the lungs and lung health. This award supports research on and evaluaƟon of exisƟng public policy and public health programs, as well as projects that inject innovaƟve ideas into public policies impacƟng lung health.
About the Funding Opportunity The American Lung AssociaƟon Public Health and Public Policy Research Award is intended to support research on and evaluaƟon of exisƟng public policy and programs, as well as pilot and demonstraƟon projects that inject innovaƟve ideas and provide evidence for the development of new public policies impacƟng lung health.
This grant is not intended to support events, lobbying efforts, or legislaƟve meeƟngs. The Public Health and Public Policy Research Award is for a maximum of $50,000 per year for up to two years. Grants are subject to annual review; the second year of support is based on demonstraƟng saƟsfactory progress, as well as the availability of funds from the Lung AssociaƟon. Requested budget for salary and all other items needs to be jusƟfied and will be considered carefully by the review commiƩee. Grant funds may be used for the salary and fringe benefit costs of personnel other than the Applicant.
Key Dates
August 7, 2024 ApplicaƟon Accepted through ProposalCentral
December 6, 2024 Deadline is Friday, December 6, 2024 (11:59PM, ET) January‐ April Peer Review Period
June 2025 Outcome noƟficaƟons are sent to all applicants
July 1, 2025 Research term begins
Important Notes Applicants are limited to submiƫng only one American Lung AssociaƟon Awards and Grant applicaƟon per annual cycle. An applicant can be awarded this grant only once. This applicaƟon is open to any level of research experience; independent, self‐directed researchers, or early researchers who are on‐track to pursue a career in lung disease research with a mentor.
Independent Researcher EducaƟon and Experience Eligibility
At the Ɵme of applicaƟon, prospecƟve applicants must possess a doctoral degree and hold a full‐Ɵme faculty posiƟon at an academic insƟtuƟon (or its equivalent in research insƟtuƟons not formally affiliated with a university). AddiƟonally, applicants must show evidence of research producƟvity as an independent invesƟgator in a field relevant to this grant opportunity. Applicants should be independent, self‐directed researchers for whom their insƟtuƟon must provide space and other resources customary for independent invesƟgators. The applicaƟon must convey the commitment of the insƟtuƟon to the applicant and the proposed research acƟviƟes for the duraƟon of the grant. The applicaƟon is open to researchers in public policy, economics, poliƟcal science, sociology, law, and related disciplines. No more than 50% of the requested budget may be used for an awardee's salary and/or fringe benefits and no more than 30% of the total award budget may be used to fund the purchase of permanent equipment. Grant funds may be used for the salary and fringe benefit costs of the Applicant and personnel other than the Applicant. AddiƟonal permiƩed expenditures can include purchase of large data sets. ApplicaƟons may include plans for public disseminaƟon of the work which should include informaƟon on how findings will be used to support and promote important policy and pracƟcal changes.
Mentored Researcher EducaƟon and Experience Eligibility At the Ɵme of applicaƟon, the applicant must hold a relevant doctoral degree (PhD, DSc, MD, DO, etc.) and be affiliated with a recognized academic or other not‐for‐profit insƟtuƟon. If applying with a mentor, this award is intended to support invesƟgators prior to receipt of career‐development awards, like NIH K08, K23, K99 or similar. Postdoctoral Fellows (PhD) and Medical Fellows who are seeking to complete at least two years of mentored research training are also eligible. MD or DO applicants must have completed two years of research training aŌer receiving their terminal degree prior to the start of the award. Medical residents, those presently enrolled in a degree program (e.g., graduate students), and established invesƟgators are not eligible to apply.
Factors that are considered indicaƟve of an established invesƟgator include, but are not limited to, academic rank of professor or associate professor, awards of established invesƟgators (NIH R01, Veterans AdministraƟon Merit Review awards), or a naƟonal reputaƟon as an invesƟgator in their field. These applicants should be on‐track to pursue a career in lung disease research with a mentor who has a demonstrated history of research experience and mentorship. The applicaƟon must include a leƩer from their department chair or insƟtuƟonal equivalent that conveys the commitment of the insƟtuƟon to the applicant and the proposed research acƟviƟes. The applicaƟon is open to researchers in public policy, economics, poliƟcal science, sociology, law, and related disciplines. No more than 75% of the requested mentored researcher budget may be used for an awardee's salary and/or fringe benefits and no more than 30% of the total award budget may be used to fund the purchase of permanent equipment. Grant funds may be used for the salary and fringe benefit costs of the Applicant and personnel other than the Applicant. AddiƟonal permiƩed expenditures can include purchase of large data sets For Independent and Mentored Applicants
When applicable, researchers are encouraged to invesƟgate hypothesis‐driven research about health dispariƟes including those that will inform evidence‐based clinical pracƟce or policy in historically underrepresented and underserved populaƟons especially those in communiƟes that have limited health care access. This research might improve health in diverse communiƟes, including those with disproporƟonately impacted populaƟons to reduce health inequity in healthcare. Proposals can include examining the cause and prevenƟon of lung diseases like tuberculosis, asthma, COPD, and lung cancer, as well as management of lung disease. PopulaƟons with health dispariƟes may include the following Black Americans, Hispanics/LaƟnos, Asian Americans, NaƟve Americans, NaƟve Hawaiians/Other Pacific Islanders, socioeconomically disadvantaged populaƟons, underserved populaƟons, underserved rural populaƟons, sexual and gender underrepresented populaƟons, those with lack of access of health care and the uninsured/underinsured.
Areas of Interest ApplicaƟons may include plans for public disseminaƟon of the work which may include informaƟon on how to use findings to support and can promote important policy changes ApplicaƟons may include plans for public disseminaƟon of the work which may include informaƟon on how to use findings to that can support and promote important policy changes. InvesƟgaƟonal areas of interest are broad and include, but are not limited to:
• Tobacco Control: Examples could include impact of policy on tobacco consumpƟon, iniƟaƟon and cessaƟon in youth and adults; impact of smokefree mulƟ‐unit housing requirement; use of electronic nicoƟne delivery systems (ENDS) or other novel product. tobacco 21 and impact on consumpƟon; flavored tobacco prohibiƟons or percepƟons and impact of new and emerging products.
• Air Quality/Climate Change: Examples include, evaluaƟng the effecƟveness of outdoor air quality intervenƟons; including investments in zero emission technology and infrastructure, or outdoor air quality on lung health; impact of regulaƟons on power plant emissions, vehicle emissions or other sources; health outcomes in response to air quality improvements; climate change policy climate change policy and air polluƟon or lung health. and lung health including lung cancer, COPD, and asthma. Please note that there is an indoor air grant mechanism. Please visit: for more informaƟon.
• Lung Health Policy: Examples include impact on people at risk for or with lung disease of legislaƟve or regulatory policy changes (proposed or enacted) with a focus on lung cancer, COPD, asthma, or other respiratory diseases health systems change, analysis of guidelines‐based care coverage; dispariƟes in health‐care coverage.
• DispariƟes: Examples include health care dispariƟes and outcome studies that explore innovaƟon in models of health service delivery and policy; the environmental, social, behavioral, cultural aspects of dispariƟes/inequaliƟes and their interacƟons; communicaƟon and dispariƟes, including health literacy.
• Access to Care: Examples include impact on people at risk for or with lung disease of legislaƟve or regulatory changes on access to care, with a focus on lung cancer, COPD, asthma or other respiratory diseases health systems or public health change; analysis of guidelines‐based care coverage; coverage for or uƟlizaƟon of immunizaƟons; dispariƟes in coverage.
• Modeling: Examples include development of risk models for developing lung disease; analysis of models to facilitate health care decision‐making concerning lung health.
• InformaƟcs: Examples include analysis of large data bases to understand policy impacts on lung health; data synthesis to generate knowledge and evidence which can guide policy.
Peer Review ApplicaƟons determined by administraƟve review to be eligible for funding will go through a rigorous external peer review process. Factors considered when reviewing applicaƟons include: • Merit, feasibility, and relevance to the mission of the American Lung AssociaƟon • PotenƟal impact and plans for disseminaƟon and translaƟon • Likelihood that the project will produce informaƟon that results in updates to current or development of new policy • Applicant's qualificaƟons and background • Applicant's research environment ApplicaƟon Guide The American Lung AssociaƟons used the e‐grantmaking website, ProposalCentral, to process all awards and grants applicaƟons. Please access this website at hƩps:// For quesƟons about the electronic applicaƟon process, e‐mail:
Visa Status/CiƟzenship At the Ɵme of applicaƟon, candidates must be United States ciƟzens or foreign naƟonals holding one of the following visa immigraƟon statuses: permanent resident (Green Card), exchange visitor (J‐1), student visa (F‐1) for mentored applicants, temporary worker in a specialty occupaƟon (H‐18), Canadian or Mexican ciƟzen engaging in professional acƟviƟes (TN), Australians in Specialty OccupaƟon (E‐3) or temporary worker with extraordinary abiliƟes in the sciences (0‐1). At the Ɵme of applicaƟon and throughout the award, an applicant must be employed by a U.S. insƟtuƟon.
Eligible Countries:
Sponsor Institute/Organizations: American Lung Association
Address: 55 W. Wacker Drive, Suite 1150, Chicago, IL 60601 1-800-LUNGUSA or 1-800-586-4872
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Dec 06, 2024
Affiliation: American Lung Association
Address: 55 W. Wacker Drive, Suite 1150, Chicago, IL 60601 1-800-LUNGUSA or 1-800-586-4872
Website URL:
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